Guides Archives - Live & Explore Action, Adventures and Leisure in the Alps Mon, 23 Jul 2018 22:01:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to have a successful Couchsurf experience Wed, 04 Jan 2017 16:50:19 +0000 I'm often asked about Couchsurfing. Skepticism comes my way, especially about hosting travelers and concluding with the notion they will never ever do such kind of thing. For me though, it's the best source for new friends and experiences. So I decided to spend some time to explain what Couchsurfing is all about. More importantly, I will go over the different options to get introduced to Couchsurfing and some very useful tips to make it a safe an pleasant experience.

The post How to have a successful Couchsurf experience appeared first on Live & Explore.


Being an IT nomad, I travel to many places by myself. While this of course is an awesome experience, it does mean that I arrive in places not knowing anybody at all. There are many ways to meet new people, but for me, couchsurfing is the number one to go for meeting new people friends!

I‘m very often asked about Couchsurfing by people that don’t know it. Most of the time they are skeptic, wondering if I’m not scared that the host might not show up or turns out to be a complete weirdo. Even worse, some go as far as wondering whether I’m not scared to get robbed or raped, often concluding with the notion they will never ever do such kind of thing.

For me though, it’s the best source for new friends and experiences. So far all my Couchsurfing meet-ups and hosts have been amazing. So I decided to spend some time to explain what Couchsurfing is all about. More importantly, I will go over the different options to get introduced to Couchsurfing and some very useful tips to make it a safe an pleasant experience.

What is Couchsurfing?

The term couchsurfing is actually a neologism describing the practice of moving from one to another’s place and sleep in whatever space available. This could be a couch or even the floor. Generally the stay is just for a couple of days before moving on. It’s a way of travelling where you are not staying in a boring, expensive hotel but instead meet local people and exchange stories, skills and experiences for free!

But how do you find those people where you can stay?! Well, that’s where comes in. This is the social network for finding a place to stay or just simply to meet up with locals and fellow travelers.

Couchsurfing offers different options. You can just meet up with locals by posting a request of your trip or write members directly. The mobile app now also features ‘hangouts’, a place where you can meet up with other surfers right at the moment for, for example, a drink in a pub.

Best though, and main service, is hosting or being hosted. You can search on different criteria to find a host in the place you are visiting. Usually the bigger the city, the bigger the chance you find a nice host where you can stay for a couple of days. And if you’re not traveling, you have to option to host travelers from all over the world at your own place. While of course you don’t have to, it’s a great way of getting a ‘holiday’ feeling while you are at home.

History of

The idea of the Couchsufing community and website comes from computer programmer Casey Fenton in 1999. When he flew from Boston to Iceland he did not want to stay in a hotel. He hacked into the database of the University of Iceland and randomly e-mailed about 1500 students asking if he could stay with them. He received about 50 to 100 offers back. This is when he came up with the idea to make a website, registering the domain in 1999.

From 2006 to 2011 development and improvements on the Couchsurfing website was done by getting groups of couchsurfers together on so called ‘Couchsurfing Collectives’ events. After reorganizations, making Couchsurfing a for-profit organization, these collectives no longer took place as volunteer labor is forbidden in commercial enterprises by the US federal government. Today Couchsurfing is serving over millions of users looking for a place to stay or simply just to meet up with locals and fellow travelers.

The essentials for Couchsurf success

In order to do any of the Couchsurf possibilities, you are going to need a profile. Signing up is for free and you can get started from the get-go. Make sure you take the time to complete your profile. A single picture and no story is not a good incentive for other travelers to meet you, let alone host you. Remember, while the Couchsurfing community is a very friendly and open place, you are still a stranger to everybody, just as they are to you. Couchsurfing helps you completing your profile by dividing your profile in topics. All you have to do is fill them up!

My profile on Couchsurfing

If you really want to go the extra mile and use it a lot, it’s recommended to verify your profile. This means verifying your phone number and perhaps get a payed membership. It doesn’t cost much and you’ll support the team of Couchsurfing to build enhancements to our service, provide customer support, and grow our amazing community.

If you are planning on hosting you can even get your address verified. Couchsurfing will send you a post card with a code you can then enter to verify your location. Note that your address is never public so no one will be able to see this.

Last but not least, take some time to meet up, host or be hosted and write references. It’s probably the most valuable way of verification that you’re a true Couchsurfer with the right spirit and attitude. Besides, it’s very nice to read back the positive feedback you receive from the people you met.

How to find a host

So you are going on a adventure? Backpacking? Citytrip? No matter what it is, get involved with locals and experience your destination as it truly is. Finding a host to stay at can is a task on itself. Depending on your destination there might be very little options so starting in time is a good idea.

Couchsurfing offers the option to create a template. While I use these to send request to many people, I do definitely personalize them! Usually, I describe the main lines of my trip. Explain why you are travelling to that location, who you are and why you want to surf at a couch. When sending this out to hosts, personalize it to this specific host. Explain why him/her and what you have in common.

Now how do you know who’s genuinely nice and cool and who’s not?  Here’s how I do it;

A list hosts in a chosen location or region.

1. Search hosts

Browse the hosts in your destination. Apply filters to get better results that match what you are looking for. Very important to me is language, I want to be able to communicate. Other than that I check age and often a very helpful one is to choose a last login date in the near past. In that way you get the currently active members. But try out all the other options. The less filters, the more results, but the less of a chance on a really good match.

2. Check the hosts profile thoroughly

Read the profile of the host carefully! The more complete and up to date, the better. There should be some pictures too so you know how the person looks. Other than that, verification and positive references are a very good clue on how well this host might be. Did I mention to read the profile?! You don’t want to arrive at your host only to find out he/she has pets while you are allergic. Or that the host smokes in his/her apartment while you can’t stand it. Usually this info is in the profile.

3. Send a good hosting request

When it feels positive, go and send the host a request. As mentioned, be elaborate. Why are you visiting the place, why would you like to be hosted by this person and what do you have in common or what can you share?

4. Getting a response

Now wait for responses. Don’t expect an answer from everybody and if you do get one and your request got declined with a response of a few lines, don’t take it personal. Some hosts get many requests a day, so a response in general, even if it’s a decline, is actually a positive thing. But if a hosts accepts your request, it’s real! You are about to have your first experience!

Personally I appreciate it to have some contact with the host before travelling. While Couchsurfing does not recommend sharing phone numbers and only to communicate trough their platform, I often feel much more comfortable when I can chat or even call the host on forehand, just to hear and have a chat. In this way, if it does start to feel awkward, you can still cancel. For me, it even adds to the fun getting to know the host a little bit on forehand so you are not all completely new when you meet each other.

Other ways to use Couchsurfing

If you’re not traveling you can host travelers. In this way you invite to holiday spirit into your own house. An other option is to go out and meet people from all over the world in your backyard. On the website, you can find travelers that just want to meet up. You can also join member organized Couchsurfing events in your backyard or while travelling. Join discussions and answer questions or give and get helpful advise, all to be done on the website.

Other than that, Couchsurfing has a great app for both Android and Apple, a very useful tool for on the go. It offers a great feature called ‘hangouts‘. When you activate it, you can see who’s in the neighborhood and what they are up to. In this way you can meet a traveler in a matter of minutes to grab a beer, check out a museum or any other activity. There is no reason what so ever to be alone while traveling anymore!

Now try it out and meet new friends for all over the world! Me? You can find my profile right here.

Get the app!

Download the mobile app for an enhanced experience and usage of the hangouts feature.

Couchsurfing in App-store

Couchsurfing in Play-store

The post How to have a successful Couchsurf experience appeared first on Live & Explore.

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Bringing your dog to the Italian Alps Mon, 25 Jul 2016 13:26:01 +0000 Nothing beats a walk trough the Italian Alps with your furry friend. For both humans and dogs the adventures in the mountains will create unforgettable moments. There's just one thing, think and prepare before you head out. The stunning beauty makes it easy to forget the potential dangers in the mountains. Go out safe following these tips and tricks.

The post Bringing your dog to the Italian Alps appeared first on Live & Explore.


Nothing beats a walk trough the Italian Alps with your furry friend. For both human and dog, the adventures in the mountains will create unforgettable moments. There’s just one thing, think and prepare before you head out. The stunning beauty makes it easy to forget the potential dangers in the mountains. Go out safe following these tips and tricks.

The most important thing to bring on a hiking trip with your dog is your common sense. While your furry friend is excited from the first minute, it doesn’t know about your plans. And when it get’s hard, it keeps on going. For that reason, it’s important to be knowledgeable of your pet’s physical boundaries. With just a bit of planning the trip will turn in to a success for both you and your dog. If this is the first time you take your dog out into the mountains, then pay special attention, as a walk in the mountains is very different than your regular walks.

A look at the basics

Let’s have a look at the dog(s) you want to bring. When considering the duration of your hike, first look at the duration of your longest daily walk the dog is used to. You can go out for a bit longer, but don’t exceed it by too much. This is especially important in summer when temperatures go well above 30 degrees Celsius. Besides, if you and your canine are unknown to the mountain’s terrain, it’s important that your pup listens well. The terrain is breathtaking but with a few wrong hops, things can go well beyond bad. For that reason, always bring a leash and perhaps some dog cookies if that does the trick.

Walking in the forest with the dog

Looking for the shade helps, but it can still be very, very hot!

But there is another reason why it’s important to bring a leash. While it can be quite, expect some unexpected meetings with other wildlife. From cows to mountain goats and from huge bugs to snakes, they all live in the plains and forests of the hills. It’s best to leash your dog when having an encounter and when it comes to the bigger animals like cows, try to stay well away from them. Be careful crossing a group of them through the middle of the group as they might react defensively.

Smaller animals can do just as much damage. A bee sting, a snake bite, it doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it’s good to know what to do. It’s recommended to have a ‘first aid for dogs’ guide with you or at least know what to do in the more common situations. Don’t bother bringing a hard copy book, just download one on your mobile device and you will have it with you all the time.

And then there are the humans. Not everybody likes dogs. Be sure to leash your dog when entering more crowded places. This for sure counts for city centres and towns, but also in restaurants and terraces. And of course, as a responsible dog owner, scoop the poop.

Seasonal tips

Depending on the duration of your hike and the season, bring enough nutrition for your dog. Especially in the summertime, it can get excruciating hot. Your dog doesn’t sweat like you do as it tries to keep itself cool by panting. To assist your dog, water is the absolute number one. And the dog will need loads of it during a hike. If possible, try to plan a route past water. Whether that’s taps, streams or lakes, your dog will be grateful. Carrying water around can be heavy. The best way is to do so is in a rucksack. Don’t bring a shoulder bag as it’s going to ruin your back on the longer hikes. A good idea to bring is a foldable water tray. Do not throw any water out but put it back in the water bottle. You just might need it later. And while as a dog owner you should know, but we can’t stress it enough; Do not leave your dog in the car when it’s hot!

Winter brings another set of unique challenges. Your dog still needs water, but that’s usually not a big problem. The biggest danger is probably the snow. It can be slippery but worst of all, you can’t always estimate the depth and whats underneath. Be careful about letting your dog walk around edges. In fact, if edges are close, it’s recommended to leash your dog and stay well away from it.

And what if it goes wrong?

No matter how well prepared, something unexpected might just happen. Maybe not even to your dog, but to yourself. In that case, it’s nice when you have all emergency options at your disposal. So, bring a fully charged phone and make sure you have an emergency contact. The phone number of a local vet can come in handy as well, just be sure the vet speaks a language you understand. In case of a hike over multiple days or in uninhabited areas, consider bringing other emergency tools like flares in order to leave distress signals.

Do’s and don’ts with your dog

These do’s and don’t pretty much summarize this article in a few pointers. Keeping them in mind will make your hike a relaxing and beautiful experience. Do yourself and your four-legged friend a favour and plan ahead.


  • Carry a leash and use it when appropriate
  • Bring enough nutrition (water)
  • Have a first aid kit
  • Bring a phone with emergency contacts
  • Clean up after your dog


  • Go out for too long
  • Let the dog roam free in crowded places
  • Disturb nature
  • Leave the dog in the car in the summertime
  • Go out unprepared

Go out and explore

With these tips, you should be able to make a well-considered decision about bringing your dog on your next hiking adventure. While not all hazards can be eliminated, by taking proper care and planning chances are it will be an unforgettable journey for you and your best friend.

Need some recommendations for a walk? Check out our trip to Stoanernen Mandln or our hike at Monte Bollettone.

The post Bringing your dog to the Italian Alps appeared first on Live & Explore.

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